quarta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2015


I know that life can be hard sometimes and harder to some people than others. I consider myself blessed: I have a beautiful and healthy family, I have somewhere to live, I have food on my table every day and I'm truly thankful for all of that.

Sometimes, like everybody, I have my blue days and I think that everything is wrong, that I'm fat, that I didn't finish that old project, that it is not worth it to live far away from my family and friends. But in the end of the day I keep in mind  that it's only a bad day, not a bad life and even in those days when I put my head on the pillow I pray and thank God for my life.

All this to say that people that always looks at the dark side of everything really pisses me of, those people who always tells sad stories full of sickness and grief. They should be ashamed of themselves. I'm really sorry if you, negative-sad person, got skeptical because of the way life has treated you, but learn something (and this phrase isn't mine): If life gives you a lime make a chocolate cake and let the b+cthes wondering how you did it. Stop being the victim. You want something? Go and fight for it. Leave your comfort zone or stay at it, but let the other people that are trying to do something, that are trying to leave their comfort zone to do it. Find motivation to keep living. Move that fat ass from the sofa. Start something new. Or perhaps just give someone a smile instead of a frown, that would be a start for your empty life based on complains, complains and more complains. Ufa! I feel better now!

Today I went to my third yoga class of the year and I'm getting better at it little by little, baby steps. In the first class it was hard to keep breathing and to rest at the a down dog position, in the second class it was easier, today was even pleasant and I almost did a 'invertida' (don't know the name in english). Some more classes and I will be able to do it. One of the great things about yoga is the body awareness that the practise gives you. It is a life changer: my posture is better, my strength, my food choices and my will power. It's been more than a week that I want to eat a brigadeiro but I'm hanging in there! I know I will eat it eventually, but I wanna "save" myself for that treat when the time comes.
invertida position

Everybody should do something good for their selfs, and by something good I mean something healthy, something that your body and mind will benefit from it. This is also a way to show gratitude for your life. I'm doing yoga, I'm writing this little blog, I'm trying to get better in various aspects of my life and my being... and I have to tell you that in most of them I keep failing, but I'm going to keep trying. I can't just give up. I know that at some point, and only in some aspects, I will succeed. This is the life I have to be happy and I don't wanna waste a second of it not trying to be a better person, not trying to evolve. In the end... why we are all here is this planet? To evolve, exclusively. What about you? What's your contribution for your-self?

Try to not take life so serious, it is healthy to laugh, to loose control a bit. In the end God is in control. God and our mind. Positive thinking is a fabulous way to create the life you want for yourself. There is a Brazilian saying that I really like and illustrates all of these words: "You harvest what you plant". That is so true. Plant love and you will harvest love. Plant hate and you will harvest hate.

Ok. I'm not a self help reader or self help writter (Oh God, noooo). But if you can see yourself while reading this maybe you should go and help yourself. No! Not with ice cream or pasta carbonara. With exercise or a fruit of this season or just go for a walk and look at the light. Even the most bleak day has some light.

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